Ideation Digital



why you should include digital

MARKETING in your marketing mix now!


1st Jul, 2024

Case Study: From Traditional to Digital

Transforming a Marketing Strategy Online

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, a global telematics company embarked on a transformative journey to shift from traditional marketing practices to a robust online strategy. 

This case…

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1st Jul, 2024

Integrating Marketing Automation into Your Digital Strategy

A Guide for Modern Marketers

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just innovative ideas and creative campaigns. Modern marketers need efficient tools and strategies to manage their…

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24th May, 2024

Strategies for Reaching Fragmented Audiences Across Multiple Platforms

In today's digital era, internet access has become nearly ubiquitous across the globe, revolutionising the way businesses approach marketing. 

Unlike traditional media, which prioritises broad reach, digital marketing emphasises delivering the right message to the…

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24th May, 2024

Maximising Digital Marketing Results on a Limited Budget

In the digital age, businesses face the colossal challenge of standing out in an increasingly crowded online marketplace. With the global digital advertising market size projected to continue its growth trajectory, reaching billions of dollars…

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30th Apr, 2024

Mapping the Customer Journey - A Digital Strategy Essential

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, understanding the customer journey is not just beneficial; it’s essential for crafting strategies that deliver measurable results. For agencies like Ideation Digital, specialising in integrated digital…

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Businesses & Digital Age

30th Apr, 2024

How Medium-Sized Businesses Can Thrive in the Digital Age

The Blueprint for Digital Transformation

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, medium-sized businesses face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. The digital landscape offers a fertile ground for innovation, growth, and competition. 

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